The green screen FX for this scene are extraordinary. Andy Serkis put on an unusual-looking motion-capture suit to do this, and he's really convincing in the role of The Following Preview Has Been Approved To Accompany This Feature By The Motion Picture Association Of America, Inc.
Here we see John Boyega on the toilet after a very bad order of fish and chips.
This is what came out of John Boyega's ass while he took that painful shit.
Whoa, SWAT team, aren't you a little overdressed for the peaceful protest of the Ferguson verdict?
Daisy Ridley rides off on what every teenage Star Wars fangirl will want for Christmas in 2015: a big-ass USB drive.
Oscar Isaac took the part of a cat-loving folk singer in Inside Llewyn Davis even though he dislikes cats. He also took the part of a helmeted Rebel Alliance fighter pilot even though he dislikes helmets because they give him Albert Einstein hair.
Adam Driver presents the latest technology in cutting down trees.
The puke-stained T-shirt of the cameraman who ralphed while filming this battle scene up in the sky is now going for $1,200 on eBay.
From a six-year nightmare of shitty dialogue, wooden acting, racial stereotypes and turgid storytelling.
Here we see John Boyega on the toilet after a very bad order of fish and chips.
This is what came out of John Boyega's ass while he took that painful shit.
Whoa, SWAT team, aren't you a little overdressed for the peaceful protest of the Ferguson verdict?
Daisy Ridley rides off on what every teenage Star Wars fangirl will want for Christmas in 2015: a big-ass USB drive.
Oscar Isaac took the part of a cat-loving folk singer in Inside Llewyn Davis even though he dislikes cats. He also took the part of a helmeted Rebel Alliance fighter pilot even though he dislikes helmets because they give him Albert Einstein hair.
Adam Driver presents the latest technology in cutting down trees.
The puke-stained T-shirt of the cameraman who ralphed while filming this battle scene up in the sky is now going for $1,200 on eBay.
From a six-year nightmare of shitty dialogue, wooden acting, racial stereotypes and turgid storytelling.